Are you dealing with a lot of stress? Having trouble sleeping or dealing with chronic physical symptoms that are placing limitations on the things you used to enjoy? Well, you are not alone. Did you know that your past unresolved emotional trauma can cause unwanted stress for the body and life in general, and can be at the root of all your physical discomfort and self sabotaging behaviors? Energy healing is a process of releasing energetic blocks in the body to bring about balance. We have all experienced trauma, in some form that we still carry with us from our past. Since emotions are just energy, releasing these energies can help us find emotional balance and peace .
Because emotional energies can also exert an influence on our physical bodies, they can overtime manifest in pain, and disease.
my job as your practitioner is to help you find these root imbalances using a system, called the emotion code/Body Code to release them from you. I am also a Reiki practitioner. Reiki is another alternative form of energy healing that also works on the energy body to restore the body’s natural flow .
So how do I facilitate this? By communicating with your subconscious via muscle testing or Kinesiology along with intuitive guidance, I am able to access your subconscious where all information is stored thereby getting to the root cause of any chronic emotional or physical issue you may be struggling with.
My goal is to help you tap into your inner healer and awaken the power within you by helping you let go of the emotional baggage that weighs you down, so you can unlock the power to experience true joy, optimum health and abundance.
How often are we triggered by past trauma? This trigger reveals to us that the trauma was never completely healed. It is unresolved energy from our past that is begging to be released from the body. Are there unhealed wounds from your past that you feel are holding you back?
Your divorce, the trauma of being bullied as a child or the loss of someone you loved?
Trapped emotions are the number one leading cause of all the stress in our lives.
These same trapped emotions can also gather around the heart to create something called a “Heart Wall” that can block you from giving and receiving love as well as block financial abundance.
I recommend that before we embark on your healing journey that you pick up a copy of “The Emotion Code” book written by Dr. Bradley Nelson or listen to it on audio. It will give you a better understanding about trapped emotions and the long term effects they can have.
” If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration“
Nikola Tesla
Energy healing including Reiki, is not meant to replace conventional medical treatment. My job as an your energy healer is to treat the symptoms you present to me. At no time will I ever give you a diagnosis for those symptoms, that is the job of your healthcare provider. Please be aware that if you are currently on any prescribed medication the dosage may need to be adjusted as your healing progresses.
*sessions are strictly confidential. All personal information shared is protected by practitioner and client confidentiality.
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